Daily care plays a vital role in maintaining the beauty and longevity of your tile floors. Start by implementing a routine to sweep and dry mop regularly to remove loose dirt and debris, which can wear down your tile or can cause scratches. Tile floors can also be wet mopped. Placing doormats at entrances minimizes the amount of dirt tracked onto the tile. If you have pets, be sure to keep their nails trimmed to prevent scratching.

By incorporating these easy habits, you can preserve the pristine condition of your tile and enjoy its beauty and incredible performance for years to come.

Tile Care & Maintenance | Bud Polley's Floor Center
Tile Care & Maintenance | Bud Polley's Floor Center


Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are, spills are inevitable. It is important to act quickly to prevent staining. Simply blot up any liquid with a clean cloth and sweep any solids. Use a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue.

Tile Care & Maintenance | Bud Polley's Floor Center


Before using any cleaning solution or stain remover on your tile floors you should consult your manufacturer's guide to ensure you don't damage your floors or void any warranties.

Tile Care & Maintenance | Bud Polley's Floor Center


Tile needs special maintenance that other flooring types don't. Check your tile routinely for cracks in the tile or grout. You will need to repair any cracks or chips, and reseal grout lines periodicaly. Proper and regular upkeep will help extend the lifespan of tile, help it look its best, and will prevent damage to your subfloor.